3 research outputs found

    An IoT-Based Multimodal Real-Time Home Control System for the Physically Challenged: Design and Implementation

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    Physical impairments affect a significant proportion of the global populace, emphasizing the need for assistive technologies to increase the ability of these individuals to perform daily activities autonomously. This study discusses the development and implementation of a multimodal home control system, designed to afford physically challenged individuals greater control over their home environments. This system utilizes the Internet of Things (IoT) for its functionality. The system is primarily based on the utilization of the Amazon Alexa Echo Dot, which facilitates speech-based control, and a sequential clap recognition system, both made possible through an internet connection. These methods are further supplemented by an additional manual switching option, thereby ensuring a diverse range of control methods. The processing core of this system consists of an Arduino Uno and an ESP32 Devkit module. In conjunction with these, a sound detector is employed to discern and process a variety of clap patterns, which is set to function at a predefined threshold. The Amazon Alexa Echo Dot serves as the primary interface for voice commands and real-time information retrieval. Furthermore, an Android smartphone, equipped with the Alexa application, provides alternate interfaces for appliance control, through both soft buttons and voice commands. Based on an analysis of this system, it is suggested that it is not only viable but also effective. Key attributes of the system include rapid response times, aesthetic appeal, secure operation, low energy consumption, and most importantly, increased accessibility for physically disabled individuals

    Designing an Adaptive Age-Invariant Face Recognition System for Enhanced Security in Smart Urban Environments

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    The advent of smart technology in urban environments has often been hailed as the solution to a plethora of contemporary urban challenges, ranging from environmental conservation to waste management and transportation. However, the critical aspect of security, encompassing crime detection and prevention, is frequently overlooked. Moreover, there is a dearth of research exploring the potential disruption of conventional face detection and recognition systems by new smart city surveillance security cameras, particularly those which autonomously update their databases. This paper addresses this gap by proposing the enhancement of security in smart cities through the development of an adaptive Age-Invariant Face Recognition (AIFR) model. A non-intrusive AIFR model was constructed using a convolutional neural network and transfer learning techniques, and was then integrated into surveillance cameras. These cameras, designed to capture the faces of city residents at regular intervals, consequently updated their databases autonomously. Upon testing, the developed model demonstrated its potential to substantially improve security by effectively detecting and identifying the residents and visitors of smart cities, and updating their database profiles. Remarkably, the model retained its effectiveness even with significant age intra-class variation, with the capability to alert relevant authorities about potential criminals or missing individuals. This research underscores the potential of adaptive face recognition systems in bolstering security measures within smart urban environments

    Development of a Malicious Network Traffic Intrusion Detection System Using Deep Learning

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    With the exponential surge in the number of internet-connected devices, the attack surface for potential cyber threats has correspondingly expanded. Such a landscape necessitates the evolution of intrusion detection systems to counter the increasingly sophisticated mechanisms employed by cyber attackers. Traditional machine learning methods, coupled with existing deep learning implementations, are observed to exhibit limited proficiency due to their reliance on outdated datasets. Their performance is further compromised by elevated false positive rates, decreased detection rates, and an inability to efficiently detect novel attacks. In an attempt to address these challenges, this study proposes a deep learning-based system specifically designed for the detection of malicious network traffic. Three distinct deep learning models were employed: Deep Neural Networks (DNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU). These models were trained using two contemporary benchmark intrusion detection datasets: the CICIDS 2017 and the Coburg Intrusion Detection Data Sets (CIDDS). A robust preprocessing procedure was conducted to merge these datasets based on common and essential features, creating a comprehensive dataset for model training. Two separate experimental setups were utilized to configure these models. Among the three models, the LSTM displayed superior performance in both experimental configurations. It achieved an accuracy of 98.09%, a precision of 98.14%, an F1-Score of 98.09%, a True Positive Rate (TPR) of 98.05%, a True Negative Rate (TNR) of 99.69%, a False Positive Rate (FPR) of 0.31%, and a False Negative Rate (FNR) of 1.95%